The forum will discuss the very dangerous legislation proposed in Congress, called Federal Concealed Carry Reciprocity (CCR). CCR would override state laws and require states to honor concealed carry permits of other states–no matter how weak their gun laws. If CCR is enacted, New York State would be forced to allow visitors from weak gun-law-states to carry hidden, loaded weapons onto streets and into public places, from Times Square to Westchester’s parks–and potentially even in schools and shopping malls.
Policy experts and activists will discuss the federal CCR bills (H.R. 38 and S. 446), their potential impact on Westchester, New York State and cities throughout the state, and discuss ways you can fight the gun lobby’s dangerous agenda.
Panelists include:
–Adam Skaggs, Chief Counsel, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
–Nicholas Suplina, Senior Advisor and Special Counsel, Office of the New York Attorney General
–Rob Wilcox, Deputy Director of Federal Legislative Campaigns, Everytown for Gun Safety
–Pat Colella, Local Group Co-Lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Westchester
–Nicholas Suplina, Senior Advisor and Special Counsel, Office of the New York Attorney General
–Rob Wilcox, Deputy Director of Federal Legislative Campaigns, Everytown for Gun Safety
–Pat Colella, Local Group Co-Lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Westchester
Moderator: Rebecca Fischer, Executive Director, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence
Details: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Forum • Thursday, September 7 @ 7 pm • Digital Arts Experience 170 Hamilton Avenue #100, White Plains, NY 10601